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Thursday, January 29, 2009


Jonathon was in yesterday for his 9 month old session. He arrived in a deep sleep, so I was able to hold and cuddle with him for a bit before he woke up. He's at a great age and size for cuddling, so I was happy to get "my baby fix" in.

This little guy is starting to look more and more like his Dad! Jonathon has gorgeous eyes and beautiful skin tones. The day light was bright enough that we were able to do our whole session by window light---my favorite light!

Friday, January 23, 2009

January Calendar Page

The Goddess of Winter with her
mighty tool---the shovel.
This is the January photo for the Cousin's 2009 Calendar.
Megan made the January spread because her birthday falls in January.
My favorite Megan image from this calendar session will be posted later this month.
Over the next year, I will be posting the printed calendar pages and some of the out takes.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

First Eucharist Photo

In the middle of January, a sign of spring for me is starting to capture the second graders as they get ready for their First Communion Celebration. I love working with the second graders each year.

The youngest of five, Abigail, was in this week wearing her sister's dress and her Mom's veil. Abby was a natural poser and was just a delight.